Shadow Puppet Theatre & Fairytale Variety Show 

Midnight Radio Show

The Enchanted Revolution is coming!!!

November 8th to 18th at Theater for the New City


About The Enchanted Revolution :  a multi-media science fiction fairy tale for all ages
Theater for the New City invites you to behold The Enchanted Revolution. "The Resistance" has located a vulnerability in an oppressive regime on the planet Sha. Princess Yazmaya fights to return all power to the people, mermaids, fairies, dragons, unicorns and more. This timely nouveau-fairytale theater piece is brought to you by writer/director/performer Charlotte Lily Gaspard and the diverse and accomplished artists of Midnight Radio Show. The show dazzles and delights, in the form of an intensely inventive and creatively told bedtime story you never knew you needed. But don’t sleep. Audacious fantasy fashion costumes, shadow, and 3D puppetry, fairyland artistry and design, music with one leg on the radio and the other in a classical fairytale world, and expert performers come together in this rebelliously original mélange of a genre and aesthetic.

CAST LIST: Malik Work, Lisa Rochlin, Mariah Lotz, Charlotte Lily Gaspard, Shai Ben Dov & Jessie Davis

CREW: Costume Design: Al Malonga, Lighting Design: Anna Schultz, Puppetry Design: C.Spot Designs

Music Director & Sound Design: Jessie Davis, Stage Manager: Paige Reinis

Written & Directed by Charlotte Lily Gaspard, Associate Director Malik Work

Featuring Original Songs by: Sabrina Chap, Ezra Bloom & Jessie Davis