Shadow Puppet Theatre & Fairytale Variety Show 

Fantastic Galaxy // Full Length Stories

The Happiness Tree

Run Time: 45 minutes // Recommended for All Ages

Pre-Show Activity: Interactive Sculpture

Guests are invited to write or draw on tags (or "leaves") moments or ideas that make them happy, and add them to our "tree" (a glowing umbrella that will become a character in our show.

Story Summary: the Princess of the Dream Cats goes on an adventure to the Secret Island of the Birds. Here the Birds welcome her and teach her many valuable lessons. With their support she discovers the power that she has within herself, to learn and grow, to help others and to appreciate herself just as she is. 

Tour of the Galaxy

Run Time: 45 minutes // Recommended for 5th Grade and Up

Story Summary: A (human) Princess goes on an adventure to explore the fantastic galaxy. She travels to the JayWhy where the Space Pirates live; they explain to her the many cultures that populate the many planets. On the planet Sha something terrible has happened and there is great conflict and doom. As she learns about the history of the worlds, she learns that actions have consequences, and if we wish to see peace and prosperity in the galaxy it is up to us to rise to the challenges and act on our beliefs.

Rhythm of the Sea

Run Time: 45 minutes // Recommended for Ages 4 to 10

Story Summary: Mira and Paolo grow up beside the sea with their grandmama. They love the water, although an incident of almost drowning causes Paolo to lose his hearing. Still they grow up to be sailors, longing to explore the wide ocean. They have many adventures and learn that faraway places may look unfamiliar, but there is friendship and kindness to be found, Paolo learns that being different is a wonderful part of who he is. They also learn that monsters are not defined by their appearance, but by their actions. 
A tale celebrating diversity, adaptation and open hearts.

Stories and Shadow Puppets by Charlotte Lily Gaspard

The Adventures of Puccini & The Princess

On-going episodic adventures of Puccini the Dream-Cat and his true love, the Princess of the Dream-Cats, as they explore their world and the fantastic galaxy, in search of each other...

Along the way, they learn valuable lessons and make amazing discoveries, find unexpected friends and the joy of helping others. 

Fairytales in Space // Short Stories 

Origin of Puccini 

Run Time: 15 minutes

Meet Puccini, an extraordinary Cat. He loves the Princess of the Dream Cats, but is afraid to tell her the truth, for their love is forbidden. An unexpected connection is formed when Puccini takes pity on a Blue Bird, and finds that kindness is never wasted.

The Princess Escapes

Run Time: 13 minutes

The Princess of the Dream Cats is locked in a tower, a mean thing to do to a Princess; especially mean, for her only view is the sky and the water. Cats cannot fly and they are afraid of the water. The Princess makes a new friend and faces her greatest fear.

Puccini In Space

Run Time: 12 minutes

Puccini is banished in a space ship. He finds strength within himself, the courage to not give up and keep trying in the face of adversity. He meets Space Pirates who try to kidnap him, and Puccini shows his magical powers to end conflict peacefully.

The Mountain

Run Time: 14 minutes

The Story of a very loud village next to a very quiet mountain where a sleepy Giant lives. The Giant cannot get any rest with the constant noise and celebration in the village. Can they learn to peacefully coexist? A tale of balance of happy compromise. 

The Dragon's Laugh

Run Time: 14 minutes

A Dragon and a Fairy become friends, although their families disapprove. Complications ensue, and the new-found companions must go on a quest together as they prove that friendship can be found anywhere and with anyone. 

The Farmer & the Sea Captain

Run Time: 15 minutes

During a great storm, a brave Sea Captain must bring her crew ashore. In the town she meets the Farmer and they fall in love. But when the storm passes, the Farmer must return to the farm and the Captain must return to the sea...

An epic romantic tale with mermaids, magic, and love songs.

Midnight Radio Show

Science-Fiction Fairytales